Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Top 3: Shops

Time for another Top 3. This time we're taking a look at some of my favorite places to shop for clothes.

Now, I live in the middle of nowhere so most of the time I do my shopping online. The stores I'm about to mention have always had excellent online outlets and have always shipped everything carefully (so far anyway which means that I've probably just jinxed myself).

1. Urban Outfitters

So Urban Outfitters has some of my favorite stuff in the whole world. Despite some controversy surrounding some of their items, they manage to put out a wide range and variety of awesome clothes and, more importantly, apartment decor that makes me feel all warm inside. While not being high end by any means, Urban Outfitters is a little pricey in my opinion (I'm a broke university student). I'd say that 9 times out of 10 that the purchase is worth the price. The sizing has always been accurate too which is always nice when buying online.

2. H&M

Probably the best place to get contemporary pieces for cheap. Some of my favorite purchases have come from H&M including my favorite pair of overalls. The sizing here is spot on every single time and while there are no special shipping deals the cost of shipping is stable, meaning it doesn't go up even if your cart is super full. H&M probably have the quickest delivery time as well which is amazing and always important when you're doing online shopping. H&M also covers most of the cost of returns.

3. Forever 21

By far the cheapest store on the list, Forever 21 is a great place to find fun, trendy items for almost nothing. It's the cheapest of the cheap and while sometimes this is reflected in the quality of the clothes, I find that even buying a replacement top or dress after a couple of months is cheaper than buying something that looks similar for twice the price and quality. However, the sizes in Forever 21 typically run pretty small especially in the bottoms so you really need to keep that in mind. Forever 21 ships from California so it does have the longest shipping time for me out of all the aforementioned stores. I will always buy online from Forever 21 because the experience of shopping in-store is often chaotic.

Alright! So there are my Top 3 for shops. I hope that I explained everything in a way that made sense. One day I'll get a full length mirror or someone to take photos of me and I'll post some outfit inspirations using pieces from these stores. That sound fun? Yeah!

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